Should in case you want to re-use your django app in other future projects instead of rewriting the entire project, we can package the other app and install it in our django project.
.> Create a new folder and move your django-application to the folder. example. django-store
.> Open the folder you just created in your system command prompt
.> Update python setuptools
pip install --upgrade setuptools
Setuptools is a package development process library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects by enhancing the Python standard library distutils
.> Create a new file called README.rst in the folder you created that contains your django-application
this's where you'll describe your application. example:
This's my django application called josephscrumy
Quick Start
add "josephscrumy" in your INSTALLED_APP like this:
INSTALLED_APP = [ --- 'josephscrumy', ]
application url is should be included in your project like this: path('josephscrumy/', include('josephscrumy.urls'))
then run "python migrate". to migrate your database
run your server
and visit this link (to see the application homepage)
.> Create a new file called in the same folder structure. This file will contain settings for our setuptools.
import os
from setuptools import find_packages, setup
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'README.rst')) as readme:
# Allow file to be run from any path
os.chdir(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), os.pardir)))
name = 'django-store',
version = '0.1',
packages = find_packages(),
include_package_data = True,
license = 'BSD License', # Your License
discription = 'short description about your app',
long_description = README,
url = '',
author = "Your name",
author_email = "",
classifiers = [
'Environment :: Web Environment',
'Framework :: Django',
'Framework :: Django :: X.Y', # replace x,y as appropriate
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'License: OSI Approved :: BSD License', # example license
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: python',
'Programming Language :: python :: 3.6',
'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP',
'Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content',
To generate a license. visit this website
.> Create a new file called LICENSE.txt and paste your license generated.
.> Create a new file called
A file consists of commands, one per line, instructing setuptools to add or remove some set of files from the sdist.
.> Add this code to your file
include LICENCE.txt
include README.rst
recursive-include yourappname/static *
recursive-include yourappname/templates *
Then open this folder in your terminal. the folder we created from the beginning where we've our application folder and, README.txt file.
let's finally build the application package. run this command
python sdist --format=zip
Notice we specified the format we want. The default format is tar.gz
A new folders will be added to your folder. e.g: dist and django_store.egg-info
Inside the dist folder, that's where you'll find the package that we're going to install and also share with people that wish to use our application
To install the application run this command:
pip install --user django-store/dist/
if you're using virtual environment, no need to add --user, you can just install it without including --user
pip install django-store/dist/
To uninstall the application, run this command:
pip uninstall josephscrumy